The Olympic Academy of Ukraine (OAU) organised an international seminar called “Olympic Up-Tutorial” on October 18th, 2022. It was held online, aiming to support Ukrainian students during times of war. The seminar was initiated by the Olympic Studies Center acting on the base of the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov (city of Nikolayev) and the Nikolayev Branch of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine
Sixty-six participants, consisting of lecturers and students from universities in East-Europe, were presented with interesting reports from the heads of the National Olympic Academies of Ukraine, Lithuania, and Latvia.
The programme started off by a lecture, as Prof. Dr. Mariia Bulatova gave an overview about the activities of the NOC of Ukraine and the OAU under conditions of the military invasion of Russia. As EOA Vice-President, she expressed greetings on behalf of EOA President Prof. Dr. Manfred Laemmer, who was unable to attend the event.
In her report, Prof. Dr. Asta Sarkauskiene, President of the Lithuanian Olympic Academy and Head of the Department of Sport, Recreation and Tourism at Klaipeda University, focused on the opportunities and limits of the Olympic movement for international understanding and peace, which was previously thematised at the EOA Klaipeda Seminar in August 2022.
Lastly, EOA Board Member Dr. Ivans Klementjevs, who is also President of the Latvian Olympic Academy and Olympic gold medallist, elaborated on triggers of motivation in Olympic sport.
The seminar sparked the interest of many Ukrainian and foreign students and therefore was a successful discourse that is hoped to become an exemplary educational project on the European and international level.
Participating NOAs:
Participating universities: