In 2012, at a conference of National Olympic Academies in Eltville, Germany, the idea of establishing an association of all European NOAs was presented for the first time. After several years of further conferences, the association of European Olympic Academies (EOA) was finally founded in 2018 in Ljubljana. More information on the respective conferences before and since the foundation can be found in the following timeline:
First Conference of European NOAs
@Eltville, Germany
The idea to found the Association of European Olympic Academies was first presented in 2012 during a conference of NOAs in Europe in Eltville, Germany, initiated and organized by the German Olympic Academy.
Second Conference of European NOAs
@Baku, Azerbaijan
Preparations were made and further coordination between NOAs in Europe was achieved during the 2nd Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, in 2015.
Third Conference of European NOAs
@Albena, Bulgaria
A declaration on the EOA was released during the 3rd conference in Albena, Bulgaria, in 2017.
Founding First EOA General Assembly & Conference
@Ljubljana, Slovenia
Delegates of 23 European NOAs approved the statutes of the EOA in the First General Assembly of the EOA. Prof Manfred Laemmer, Deputy Chair of the German Olympic Academy, was elected the first President of the Association.
Second EOA General Assembly & Conference
@Nicosia, Cyprus
One of the main objectives of the General Assembly was to establish the Commissions: the Communication Commission, Development and Cooperation Commission, Olympic Education Commission and Olympic Heritage Commission.
Read the report here
Third EOA General Assembly
The General Assembly convened online in January 2021 to elect a Good Governance Officer, accept new members and report on projects and activities.
Read the report here
Fourth EOA General Assembly
The General Assembly approved the NOA of Kosovo as a new EOA member and elected new EOA auditors.
Read the report here
Fifth EOA Congress
@Frankfurt, Germany
The General Assembly elected a new Executive Board, added the Maltese Olympic Academy as a new member and approved the EOA Strategic Plan for 2023 – 2030.
Read the report here
Sixth EOA Congress
@Vilnius, Lithuania
The topic was “The Olympic Movement in a Changing World”. The General Assembly added four new members, and approved new guidelines for the EOA commissions.
Read the report here
Seventh EOA Congress
@Olympia, Greece
The topic was “Perspectives on the Olympic Movement after the Paris Games”. The General Assembly introduced two new members.
Read the report here
Eight EOA Congress