The aim of the EOA is to gather the National Olympic Academies of the European continent in order to promote the Olympic Values, Philosophy and Ideals. The Association shall undertake the following duties in collaboration with its member organisations:

To Collaborate
The EOA will promote the collaboration between the National Olympic Academies of Europe on the basis of corresponding provisions of the Olympic Charter, in close cooperation with National Olympic Committees, the European Olympic Committees (EOC) and the International Olympic Academy (IOA).

To Share Experiences
The EOA will promote the continuous sharing of experiences amongst its members using appropriate communicative means.

To Promote Olympic Education
The EOA aims to promote Olympic Education from a practical perspective and to enhance common and exchange educational programs by taking into consideration the difference of cultures and how educational systems differ among different countries. These programs will encourage active involvement of people in sporting activities in Europe and will be useful to the educational systems in the various countries.

To Provide Incentives
The EOA aims to organize events and conduct conferences and seminars and other appropriate initiatives to provide incentives for the young generation to spread the Olympic values, to exchange with other countries, to promote their cultural traditions as well as to provide information on environmental and peace issues, and on matters of economy, health and education. These actions should be flexible enough to respond to the needs of European citizens.