The Slovak Olympic Academy (SOA), led by Director Elena Malikova, has been reorganised according to a new strategic plan for the future of the NOA. The twelve-page document defines the basic elements of the SOA, taking into account the challenges and opportunities the SOA will face over the next nine years. The SOA’s goal is to become one of the most prestigious and effective Olympic academies in the world. The plan outlines medium and long-term goals that will guide the SOA to realise this vision.
Elena Malikova, who took up the position of Director at the beginning of this year, said, “The Strategic Plan for the development of the SOA is in line with the visions of the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee (SOSC), the EOA and IOC and it reflects the directives of the IOC’s ‘Olympic Programme 2020+5’.”
The plan was submitted to the SOSC in March 2021 and approved in April 2021.
An English translation has been produced and is available for all interested parties to access. It provides a detailed insight into the Academy’s structure and plans for the further development of the Slovak NOA. The EOA supports the SOA as one of its members and welcomes the extraordinary achievement of preparing this thorough and ambitious guide.