The EOA Executive Board acts as the executive and steering body and is elected every four years by the General Assembly. According to the statutes of the EOA, the Executive Board’s main task is to make decisions on the strategic direction of the EOA and its content. The current EOA Executive Board was elected for a four-year term until 2026 at the Fifth EOA General Assembly in Frankfurt. The current members are briefly introduced below.

President: Prof. Dr. Manfred Laemmer
Professor at the German Sport University Cologne, Deputy Chairman of the German Olympic Academy, Editor of STADION (International Journal of the History of Sport), Co-Founder and Board Member of the German Sports and Olympic Museum in Cologne (selected positions and achievements).

Vice-President: Prof. Dr. Mariia Bulatova
Director of the Ukrainian Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute in Ukraine, President of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, Vice-President of the Olympic Committee of Ukraine, Member of the IOC Commission “Culture and Olympic Heritage”, FISU Education Committee and EOC Education Commission (selected positions and achievements).

Vice-President: Dr. Ivans Klementjevs
President of the Latvian Olympic Academy, former Member of the Saeima (Latvian Parliament 2006-2022), Olympic champion in Seoul 1988, silver Olympic medalist in Barcelona 1992 and Atlanta 1996 in canoe sprint. Sevenfold times world champion in canoe sprint (selected positions and achievements).

General Secretary: Marion Guigon-Lacroix
Vice-President of the National Olympic Academy of France, Head of Communication & Brand at NGO Plan International France (selected positions and achievements).

Treasurer: Bernard Hilgers
Curator of the Dutch Olympic Committee NOC*NSF Heritage Sport Collection, Member and Spokesman of the Dutch Olympic Academy, Responsible for Corporate Olympism and Cultural Heritage and the Olympic Pop-up Museum (selected positions and achievements).

Board Member: Dr. Clea Papaellina
Permanent Member of the Special Teaching Staff for Physical Education of the Department of Education of the University of Cyprus, Vice Chair of the EOC Culture and Education Commission, Dean of the National Olympic Academy of Cyprus, Member of the Executive Council Member of the Cyprus National Olympic Committee and Cyprus National Paralympic Committee, Member of the Development Commission of the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) (selected positions and achievements).

Board Member: Prof. Dr. Asta Sarkauskiene
Professor at the Department of Sport, Recreation and Tourism at Klaipeda University, Lithuania, President of the Lithuanian Olympic Academy, and the Head of the Lithuanian National Olympic Committee Olympic Heritage Commission (selected positions and achievements).
Congratulations to all the honorable members. Euorope will Guide the Olympic movement under their stewardship. My best wishes