The EOA recently started to collaborate in a research project entitled “Understanding, Evaluating, and Improving Good Governance in the Employment Relations of Athletes in Olympic Sports in Europe” (EMPLOYS). The project aims to improve good governance in athlete working relationships in Olympic sport through the provision, evaluation and sharing of evidence-based information, practice and recommendations in an important but mostly neglected sub-sector of sport and governance.
The project team consists of five academic partners (German Sport University Cologne, Germany; University of Rijeka, Croatia; Universidade Europeia, Portugal; Edge Hill University, United Kingdom; Institute for Sport Governance, Poland) and two practitioner partners (EU Athletes and European Olympic Academies). Prof Dr Juergen Mittag from the German Sport University Cologne leads this ERASMUS+ funded project. Evidence-based policy recommendations will be developed for sports bodies from the local to the global level, national authorities and EU institutions.
The project is structured around three specific objectives, all of which will be achieved through different phases and methods. These objectives are to
- Understand – by establishing an evidence base of the legal and socio-political landscape defining athlete labour relations in Olympic sport in 29 European countries and the European Union,
- Evaluate – by assessing current practice across the continent, and
- Improve – by formulating and implementing concrete policy recommendations for key stakeholders.
Building on a rigorous and participatory methodology, based on the expertise and unique network of the project team, this collaborative partnership will deliver substantial and sustainable policy change at all government levels. The results will empower athletes to have safe and successful careers in sport and beyond.
If you would like to get in touch with the project, please contact Maximilian Seltmann at